1.27.19 Luke 6:37b-39

Download Lesson: 1.27.19 Class Notes – Luke 6.37b-39


We reap what we sow. If we judge others, we will ourselves be judged. If we forgive, we shall be forgiven, but if we condemn, we shall be condemned (see Matt. 18:21–35). He was not talking about eternal judgment but the way we are treated in this life. If we live to give, God will see to it that we receive; but if we live only to get, God will see to it that we lose. This principle applies not only to our giving of money, but also to the giving of ourselves in ministry to others.


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2 thoughts on “1.27.19 Luke 6:37b-39

  1. Love seeing your pic and lesson pop up in my emails. Pray you feel all the blessings that you bring to so many lives.

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