2.5.23 Ephesians 6:10-24

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In Paul’s great love, for those who follow Christ, he does not try to candy-coat what lies ahead. There will be spiritual battles. (Read 2 Timothy 3:12.) All believers will face spiritual trials, far beyond our physical strength and capabilities. But, the good news is God will never leave his children on their own, to face the enemy. He has supplied all we will ever need, to stand strong. We must avail ourselves of these weapons; we must put on our armor and be prepared for the battle.

1.22.23 Ephesians 6:1-9

Download Lesson: 1.22.23 Class Notes – Eph 6.1-9


If we are filled with the Holy Spirit and are joyful, thankful, and submissive, then we can enjoy harmony in the relationships of life as we live and work with other Christians. We will also find it easier to work with and witness to the unbelievers who may disagree with us. The fruit of the Spirit is love, and love is the greatest adhesive in the world!

1.15.23 Ephesians 5:18-33

Download Lesson: 1.15.23 Class Notes – Eph 5.18-33


Be imitators of God and walk in love. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and let Him lead you to build quality, loving relationships, whether it is a husband-wife relationship, parent-child relationship, or employer-employee relationship, or ANY relationship.

1.8.23 Ephesians 5:1-17

Download Lesson: 1.8.23 Class Notes – Eph 5.1-17


The world in which we live is filled with dangers and deceptions. It is not always easy to live an enlightened life even when we want to. We can get tripped up or ambushed by events and people without even being aware of the danger. We must be very careful to live our life rooted in wisdom, using our time wisely. Not to do so would be foolish. The will of the Lord is that we live carefully, cautiously, always matching our lifestyle with the teachings of Scripture.

12.18.22 Ephesians 4:17-32

Download Lesson: 12.18.22 Class Notes – Eph 4.17-32


The Christian cannot pattern himself after the unsaved person, because the Christian has experienced a miracle of being raised from the dead. His life is not futile, but purposeful. His mind is filled with the light of God’s Word, and his heart with the fullness of God’s life. He gives his body to God as an instrument of righteousness (Rom. 6:13), and not to sin for the satisfaction of his own selfish lusts. In every way, the believer is different from the unbeliever, and therefore the admonition: “Walk not.”