10.14.18 Luke 5:12-16

Download Lesson: 10.14.18 Class Notes – Luke 5.12-16


Q: Who are the “lepers,” the outcasts, in your circle of influence? [Let people engage]

  • Is there one person among your children that no one likes?
  • Who is the one parent that’s so obnoxious that on one wants to be around him/her?
  • Who is the one relative that everyone avoids when they walk into a room?
  • Who is the one person in your workplace that is ignored or talked badly about behind their back?

Q: What are the WAYS that Jesus embraced the leper? [Let people engage]

  • Jesus chose compassion toward the leper
  • Jesus was willing to touch the “untouchable”
  • Jesus unconditionally loved the leper and willingly showed mercy

Q: What do YOU need Jesus to touch today? [Let people engage]

  • Does He need to touch your heart that you might learn to love a leper this week?
  • Does He need to touch any spiritual leprosy? If yes, hear Jesus say, “I am willing. Be cleansed!” He yearns to touch us today where ever we need spiritual cleansing.


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