10.31.14 Heads Up – Someone Is After You

There is no such thing as a fail-safe world. You can drive a car with an airbag, wear your seat belt, drive carefully, but you’re still not protected from reckless drivers. You can eat right, exercise daily, and get your sleep, but you’re still not immune from viruses in the air. We live in a broken world. This reality came to roost when a virus infected my laptop this week.

Photo Courtesy @Shutterstock.com/Pavel Ignatov

Photo Courtesy @Shutterstock.com/Pavel Ignatov

I implemented all the precautions suggested by computer experts. I use an anti-virus program that scans my laptop weekly for suspicious malware. I utilize automatic updates to eradicate bugs. I run Malwarebytes to do more scans to quarantine unwanted spyware. I use Carbonite to back up all files, which they do within hours of editing a document, or adding new files or folders. I thought I was well protected, but it wasn’t enough.

The first clue that my laptop was sick appeared in the form of a pop-up box titled, “Security Alert!” I knew not to click the link because it might introduce a virus. But when I closed it out, a new box appeared with the same message. I decided to shut down the computer and reboot. I went to “Internet Options” to delete all the cookies and see if I had succeeded in ridding myself of the pesky message. I had not. After enduring another round of “Security Alert” pop-ups, I decided to run a scan, which revealed an intruding virus. I removed it and for insurance re-ran a scan with the Malwarebytes software. It found another severe bug and deleted it. I believed that my laptop was clean again.

It was not. I discovered a problem after submitting information online, some business for a relative. Within hours of my submission, this relative received an e-mail from an outside party – a total stranger — who knew enough about the online submission to inquire about its contents. This episode was weird, not to mention creepy. I was frustrated to learn that despite all my precautions to keep my computer safe, I had been hacked.

As I processed this, a spiritual truth came to mind. We are targets of the Enemy, an uncomfortable thought, but true. “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (I Peter 5:8) I feel vulnerable when I read this passage, but God has given us many warnings to be on guard:

1. God tells us to guard our heart because it’s the wellspring of life. (Prov 4:23)

2. He who guards his lips guards his life. (Prov 13:3)

3. He who guards his soul stays away from the wicked. (Prov 22:5)

4. Jesus tells the disciples, “Be on your guard! Be alert!” He was informing them that no one knows when He will return again. He concludes his thought by saying, “What I say to you, I say to everyone: Watch!” (Mark 13:33, 37)

5. Be on your guard against against all kinds of greed. (Luke 12:15)

The good news is that God has given us provisions for our protection. He doesn’t want us to cower from the enemy, but rather “take a stand” with the full armor of God. Our part is to put it on daily. If you don’t, you are spiritually naked and giving the devil full access to antagonize you. Here is the armor He gives us according to Ephesians 6:10-18:

• A Helmet of Salvation

• A Breastplate of Righteousness

• A Shield of Faith

• A Sword of the Spirit

• A Belt of Truth

• Feet fitted with the gospel of peace

I wish I could tell you this is make-believe, like the Roadrunner cartoons most of us watched as a child. Do you remember the ditty? “Roadrunner! The coyote’s after you!” We have a wolf in sheep’s clothing that is after us, and his name is the devil. He is a skilled hacker. He will hack into your heart, your mind, your relationships, your business, and anywhere else that is not secured. But do not despair. “Christ who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.” (I John 4:4) Let’s be alert and guard ourselves with His armor, and He will help us “stand our ground.”

How are you intentionally guarding yourself from the Enemy?


Lee Ann


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2 thoughts on “10.31.14 Heads Up – Someone Is After You

  1. Thanks for reminding us. I run into the evil one quite often. Thank you Lord for your protection and your armor which needs to go on us every morning.

    • You’re welcome. All of us are going to have a brush with the enemy from time to time, but we should never fear. Our part is to take advantage of the protection He’s given us. Take care, Pat!

      Lee Ann

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