10.7.18 Luke 5:1-11

Download Lesson: 10.7.18 Class Notes – Luke 5.1-11


I think this story goes beyond Jesus being a great Provider. I think Jesus is illustrating that when we obediently follow Him to “where the fish are,” the results of our evangelism come from Him, and it’s enormous! We may be sharing the love of Christ that “feels” to no avail or sharing the actual Gospel message that “seems” to fall on deaf ears. But the Lord takes responsibility for the results, but it starts with our obedience to follow him to where the fish are. If we will keep doing our part to “go fishing,” He will do His part to save them.



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2 thoughts on “10.7.18 Luke 5:1-11

    • Hi, Martha:
      Thank you! Honestly, I was just uploading today’s lesson, but it wasn’t supposed to be a “blog.” So I’m not sure what I did wrong that it happened. But I’m glad that you like getting these!

      Lee Ann

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