11.13.16 Ruth 1:6-18

Download Lesson: 11.13.16 Class Notes – Ruth 1.6-18


I am struck by how Ruth is drawn to Naomi’s God. It makes me believe that Elimelech and his family were God-fearing people, and Ruth saw that and found God attractive to her. I have found myself pondering throughout the week, “Do people I interact with find God attractive because of what they see in me? Or am I doing something or saying something that makes God unattractive to them.”

We live in a world filled with lost people who are seeking God. People aren’t drawn to God if God is not attractive to them. God placed people in our lives to help lead us to Jesus. These special folk made God attractive to us. We need to do the same! We need to live our lives in a way that draws people to Jesus. They need to see God in us. Ruth was drawn to Naomi’s God because of Naomi. Ruth was willing to give up a life in Moab in order to know Naomi’s God.

Let’s make God attractive to others in our words and deeds!


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