2.1.15 Romans 2:12-29

Download Lesson:  2.1.15 Class Notes -Romans 2.12-29


There are some basic principles we need to follow in order to live a life of obedience that is pleasing to God. We need to build the right foundation, i.e on Christ, learn God’s teachings, and then serve God by practicing His teachings! But all of this starts with the heart.

The Gospel of Christ demands inward change: “You must be born again.” (John 3:7) Once we placed our full faith and trust in Christ, we were sealed by the Holy Spirit. By definition, our hearts are positioned to be transformed, but we have to make the free will choice to be yielded to how He leads us. We can choose not to listen to His voice. We can read His commands and teachings all day long, know them inside and out – just like the Jew, who knew the Law inside out, and still do nothing. None of us want to be reminded that on Judgment Day, our expressions of our faith through the good works He’s gifted us to do in His name, will be evaluated. Remember, “to whom much is given, much is required.”


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