3.18.16 A Christian Approach to Healthcare Coverage that Works

What if you could reduce healthcare costs while at the same time give to those who are overwhelmed by medical bills they can’t possibly pay on their own?



For years I carried a high deductible insurance plan, which in theory should come with a lower premium. The money I saved went into a separate Health Savings Account. But in October 2014 I went into sticker shock when I received my re-enrollment form to renew my health coverage. When I saw the latest spike in premiums, I decided enough was enough and made the decision to embrace a Christian approach to cover my healthcare costs. I joined Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM) and couldn’t be happier. I’ve found a way to lower healthcare costs while honoring God’s mandate to care for another.

I want to share how and why it works in the hopes this approach might work for you.


1. CHM is founded on Galatians 6:2, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you fulfill the law of Christ”

Whether you believe receiving health care is a privilege or a right, God gave us a mandate to take care of one another. I don’t think He ever intended for health care to be out of reach for anyone. If there is a medical need, we help one another no matter what. CHM honors this mandate by allowing potential members to join with pre-existing conditions. If you generate a bill because of your pre-existing condition, CHM covers it on a graduated basis over a three-year period. Beginning your fourth year, CHM reimburses you at 100%. Your condition is no longer considered pre-existing.

They offer three levels of cost sharing per illness. The Gold plan covers up to $125,000/illness and costs $150/month. However, if you want unlimited cost support, you add the Brother’s Keeper (BK) program. BK enables CHM members to meet medical bills that exceed the $125,000 limit per illness. I pay $40 a year to participate in BK. In addition, I pay $25-$30 per quarter to help members who have incurred large medical bills. If you’re interested in checking out the three plans, here’s the link: http://www.chministries.org/programs.aspx

The bottom line is that I reduced my healthcare cost by 33% in 2015, while also sharing the financial burden of others.

Photo Courtesy@shutterstock.com/Tang Yan Song

Photo Courtesy@shutterstock.com/Tang Yan Song


2. CHM promotes prayer: “And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up.” (James 5:15)

One of my favorite aspects of CHM is the emphasis on prayer. When you become a member, CHM not only asks you to share costs, but to pray for those who are ill. When you receive your monthly gift reminder, a prayer card is enclosed, including the name and contact information of a specific member who has a prayer request. If you choose, you can go beyond prayer and send them a get-well card or a note of encouragement.


3. CHM Fosters a Spirit of Generosity

CHM sends a newsletter each month containing a section entitled, “Prayer Page.” It lists members by name, address, medical condition, and the amount of their outstanding bill. This is an opportunity to give above and beyond your monthly gift amount. Members with pre-existing conditions incur these bills while being a member of CHM. If you’ll recall, the first three years are not covered at 100%, so they need extra help if you’re willing to give. The range of outstanding bills is $4,200 to $95,000.

Here’s what amazes me. CHM totals the outstanding medical bills each month and divides it by the number of family households within CHM. Here is what came in my March 2016 newsletter:

“Prayer Page total needs remaining this month: $2,123,944

Each need would be met in full if each member family contributed $25.43 this month or $8.48 for the next three months. These amounts are suggestions; please consider giving today.” I have never seen this amount ever hit $30 per family!

If every member household wrote a check for $25.43, the debt would be wiped out! I can think of many ways each of us can blow $25 a month. Imagine all of these members who can rest emotionally and financially knowing their medical bills have been paid in full.

I made the jump from healthcare coverage provided by an insurance company to placing trust in Christians who commit to carry each other’s burdens. CHM started building this network of Christians over thirty years ago, and it keeps growing. They (we) have not failed in caring for one another. It goes to show that God’s principles always work. If you’re looking for an alternative, I would encourage you to explore CHM or other cost-sharing ministries. By the way, these non-profit ministries are eligible under the Affordable Care Act, so you don’t need to worry about that. Nor do you have to go through the Market Exchange to join CHM.


I encourage you to explore www.chministries.org to see if this is a viable option for you. I couldn’t be happier! If you have experience with a cost-sharing ministry, please share below what you like or don’t like about it.  



Lee Ann


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2 thoughts on “3.18.16 A Christian Approach to Healthcare Coverage that Works

  1. Thanks. Churches having low income clinics more often is also such a blessing; I believe there are fewer misdiagnoses and people with hearts more full of His Holy Spirit can help. Also, having the walls decorated with scriptures can heal in itself. Oh what a blessing it could be especially to native americans and such and in Appalachia; let’s pray. This would lead to fewer lawsuits regarding misdiagnoses because I believe excellent standards would be kept like at MD Anderson.

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Alanda. Would you believe that I have never heard of churches having “low income clinics?” I’m glad to know that they even exist and minister to those in need.

      Lee Ann

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