4.10.15 My Father Passed Away

My father passed away on Wednesday evening. Retiring as a lieutenant commander in the Navy was quite an achievement, but what he cared about the most was the spiritual legacy he left us. I look forward to sharing it with you. In the meantime, please pray for our family.

Harry Jones April 30, 1936 - April 8, 2015

Harry Jones
April 30, 1936 – April 8, 2015


I will return to regularly scheduled posts in a few weeks.



Lee Ann


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34 thoughts on “4.10.15 My Father Passed Away

  1. A life well lived in the shadow of the Almighty! Fondly recalling stories that you have shared, and hopeful that they will continue to comfort your Mom and family, knowing the real Comforter is close at hand. Blessings,

    • Thank you for your sweet thoughts, JoAnna. I will be able to draw upon the spiritual legacy he left me.

      Lee Ann

  2. I am so sorry to hear of your father’s death. Will certainly pray for you and your family for God’s comfort.

  3. Lee Ann, am sorry to learn of your daddy’s passing. I know the heartache of losing one’s parents. I pray that you will be comforted by knowing that he is now at peace, without illness or pain, and at home with our heavenly Father. Also the fact that you were a loving, caring daughter should bring you comfort. I know you were a blessing to him in his final years on earth. May the peace of God bring you sudden joy in this difficult time.


    • Dear Sandy:
      Thank you so much for your comforting thoughts. It gives me great joy to know he’s been reunited with his loved ones, especially his Mother. I couldn’t be happier for him! He has been wanting to go “home” for a LONG time, and as you said, he is now in the presence of his Father. It doesn’t get any better than that. Thank you for your prayers.

      Lee Ann

  4. I’m so sorry to hear your dad has passed. Even though you we know our loved ones are in a much better place than we could ever imagine and they’re dancing and praising God right in His presence, it’s still a time of deep sorrow, and there’s a big gaping hole with them gone. Surrounding you with love and prayers for you and your family, for His comfort, grace & strength as you go through these next days and weeks.

    • What sweet thoughts, Debbie. Thank you so much for covering me and our family in prayer. I am truly happy for my father and rejoice that he is freed from his earthly life to live eternally with Jesus without any hindrances. Our day is coming and we’ll get to rejoin our loved ones!

      Lee Ann

    • Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Jeff. Your prayers are deeply appreciated.

      Lee Ann

  5. Lee Ann, saddened that you have lost your father; but so glad we get to see and benefit from the spiritual legacy he bequeathed to you! In that way, Harry Jones lives on! I’ll look forward to hearing more about him. peggy

    • My Dad does live on in such a beautiful way! I am looking forward to sharing his spiritual legacy with my readership!

      Lee Ann

  6. May God comfort your heart as you mourn for your father, Harry Jones. When you are overwhelmed with sad feelings – remember he is a part of you always. He “trained you up” and your classes are the beneficiary of his training. In sympathy and love, Scarlett and Ray

    • Thank you for your kind words, Scarlett and Ray. He did “train me up in the way I should go,” and he did it well! He was truly my greatest influence during my childhood years to lead me and help me find salvation in Christ Jesus. I will always be indebted to him for all the prayers he said over me and how he led his life as an example to all.

      Blessings and Hugs,
      Lee Ann

  7. So sorry, Lee Ann! I lost my father who also was a strong Christian, 11 years ago, and I still miss him. I can only imagine what it would feel like to lose a parent that didn’t know the Lord, but we have the amazing blessing of knowing that our dads are now in a wonderful place. I’ll be praying for your peace and comfort.

    • Thank you so much, Peggy. Dad was a very strong Christian and what I will immediately miss is his strong, intercessory prayer ministry. He prayed for me and Gene daily, and he loved to share with me the variety of ways he was doing it. He had so much depth, and I look forward to sharing it along the way.

      Blessings and Hugs,
      Lee Ann

  8. Loved Harry’s kind and gentle heart. He encouraged my roommate and I to help sponsor a Russian woman who came to the USA….it was a good experience and his heart was so tender toward the broke hearted.

    • Vergie,
      Thank you for sharing that part of Dad. He had a heart for the underprivileged, the persecuted, the oppressed, and anyone in the one-down position. I am so glad your path crossed with his. He truly was a kind and gentle of heart.

      Lee Ann

  9. Dear Lee Ann,

    I pray for God’s comfort for you in the midst of this time of your loss. We take comfort in knowing that Harry has been released to a much better place and the life that he was fully designed to live.

    I loved Harry very much. I miss the Harry I knew. I served as Harry’s pastor for ten years back in the 80’s. His love for the persecuted church was persistent, unrelenting, and inspiring.

    • Hi, Dan:
      He spoke very highly of you! I am convinced that Dad was given the gift of evangelism as his heart broke for the lost along with the persecuted church. The spiritual legacy he left behind was amazing, and we won’t really be able to grasp his level of impact until we meet many of his spiritual children that he has prayed for over the years! I look forward to seeing him again when the Lord decides to take me home.

      Lee Ann

  10. I know you are sad about losing him, but relieved in a way that he is spared any more living that is not a quality life. We are never ready to lose our parents, yet we are blessed knowing they are in a much better place. He was once a dashing, handsome man! Try to remember him when life was better for him, & know that you did all you could to provide loving care in his last years on earth.

    (Please note my email change.) I am now living in the Conservatory in Wells Branch…Sr. Living! Have a 3 BR Condo for sale if anyone interested, right off Research between Lamar & Ohlen Rd.
    Jamestown Place Condos.

    • Thank you, Murlene. I am very relieved that he is rejoined with his family and friends who have gone before him. As I have shared often, he has been ready to leave a long time ago. He was a very handsome man for many years! He loved to work out and lift weights. He was able to keep in shape for many years.

      I have made a note of your new email address, and I appreciate knowing that you have moved! I hope to see you in class again.

      Lee Ann

  11. Hi Lee Ann, we have not met, but a friend from high school posted this link and the news that your father had passed. Harry was one of a team of awesome science teachers at Crockett high school back in the 70’s, and he led myself and later my brother to saving faith in Messiah. He was/is a great man, and his memory is cherished by our family. I am in awe at the courage he had in fearlessly being a witness in the public school (as were several teachers) – how blessed am I that I was one of the many Harry discipled there. May you find great comfort in knowing your father served so faithfully, and was greatly loved. Denise Hayden

    • Thank you so much, Denise. Courageous is a great descriptor for my Dad. Not only did he witness in the public school system, but he took a trip to Russia in the 70s to smuggle bibles to Russian Christians and then would pray that the bibles wouldn’t be confiscated! He was willing to follow the Great Commission at any cost, and I wish I had half the courage he had!! I also love that he not only reached folks like you for Christ, but he discipled you and helped you grow in your new love relationship to Christ. He was a special saint in the kingdom of God.

      Lee Ann

  12. Lee Ann, your dad was a great friend! My wife and I acquired a Japanese exchange student (Akiko Igarashi) at his request. I have neither her married name, nor contact information on her. Should you find any such information, I know she will want to know about your dad. She came to visit a few years ago after his foot was amputated.

    • Good Morning, Danny. I will be on the lookout for the information on Akiko. Dad had files upon files, so I am not sure how quickly we can find her name, or IF we will be able to find her name. I am comforted by folk like you who have taken the time to write and let me know how Dad impacted you. He was a great man in many ways!

      Lee Ann

  13. I feel your pain, but am so happy you have the assurance of seeing him again. When this happens it feels like the world should stop at least for a few moments. But when we look around everything is still moving. This is when we turn to God for comfort and understanding. We feel alone but we’re not, we have to draw from his strength and remember He has been in our shoes when he lost His son for us. He feels our pain. Love and blessings to you and your family.

    • What a beautiful comment, Ro. I am comforted by all that you said. There is no question that I look forward to seeing him again. I have really felt God’s hand guiding me over the last week since he died April 8th. So many details came into place, and his burial service was beautiful in so many ways. I will share that with you when we grab supper again.

      Lee Ann

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