4.17.16 Hebrews 7

Download Lesson: 4.17.16 Class Notes – Heb 7


[DEB] Let’s reconvene as the Priest Search Committee. What qualities are found in Jesus that makes him superior over any other candidate we could consider?

  • In the order of Melchizedek
  • Have a dual role of both king and priest
  • One who has the power of an indestructible life
  • Will live eternally
  • Permanent Priest
  • Oath confirmed by God
  • One who is able to save completely
  • One who always lives to intercede for us
  • One who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, and exalted above the heavens
  • Sacrificed sins once for all so that daily sacrifices were unnecessary
  • Made perfect forever

There is one and only one candidate who fits these criteria, and His name is Jesus. He has accepted the call to be our priest forever!! We all need a priest, and thank God He is Jesus.



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