4.3.16 Hebrews 6:4-6

Download Lesson: 4.3.16 Class Notes – Heb 6.4-6


Review the key Christian doctrines that are at stake if you really believe you can lose your salvation:

Taken from Stanley’s book (pg 9-12)

  • Assurance: based on finished work of Christ, or else we’re in trouble. By definition, we will be partially motivated by fear, which is not of God.
  • Forgiveness: It’s unconditional. The timing of your sins is irrelevant since they were all in the future from the perspective of the cross.
  • Faith Alone: Salvation by faith is at stake. To imply that salvation is maintained by good works (or not sinning) is to take the daily burden of our salvation upon ourselves. There can’t be any boasting in heaven according to Eph 2:8-9.
  • Love: God’s unconditional love is at stake. If His holiness demands something in return from those He loves, it is clear that His holiness makes God incapable of unconditional love!
  • Evangelism: If you believe you can lose your salvation, you will have a difficult time sharing the love of God with others.


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