6.23.24 Mark 15:1-20

Download Lesson: 6.23.24 Class Notes – Mark 15.1-20


Mark challenges us, his readers, to open our eyes and see Jesus for who He really is. Mark dares us to follow the example of this suffering, dying Servant of the Lord. Our discipleship will be costly. It may call for leaving families, giving up horded resources, even giving up life itself. All too often we, like those first disciples, will fail Jesus. We too misunderstand; we too lack faith; we too retreat under pressure; we too remain silent and comfortable while others wait to hear that we have been with Jesus. Our stories of discipleship, like Mark’s story, are incomplete. But Jesus’ promises stand sure. Like those first disciples, Jesus will forgive our failures and make us into what He desires—bold witnesses and followers in His way of costly discipleship.


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