6.9.19 Luke 9:1-9

Download lesson: 6.9.19 Class Notes – Luke 9.1-9


Q: How are we to live in light of this text?

  • Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears.” We can’t be effective in our ministry to share the gospel if we have these emotional entanglements.
  • Let’s ask ourselves if we’re considering buying, building or doing something that might potentially end up as a heavy burden and hamstring God’s work of ministry in our lives?
  • Christians must center their affections on Christ, not on the temporal things of this earth. Material riches lose their value when compared to the riches of glory.
  • By joining Jesus, we learn a way of life that does not acquire things or amass possessions but responds to God and develops relationships. We invest our energy in people.
  • We’re not using this power and authority to advance the kingdom of God. We’re too complacent, comfortable. It’s time to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit every day.


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