
I am a Christ-follower who loves to give. The Lord blessed me with the spiritual gifts of teaching, giving, and evangelism. He also blessed me with a seminary education, training me to use these gifts more effectively. It is my privilege and honor to serve you with the talents God has given me.

Over the course of my life, I have served the Lord in a variety of ways. I have served on church staffs, and as a deacon and elder. But I primarily serve God through teaching. For approximately 36 years, I have led bible studies. It is my passion and my joy!

My life, like yours, has taken twists and turns. The latest turn was a move back to Austin, Texas, where I grew up. I came to assist my father, an amputee who needed my care, but now I believe God called me here to implement a larger teaching ministry. Only One Life to Give is the umbrella for all of the ways I teach and minister, including lessons from my Sunday School classes at Riverbend Community Church, my online ministry, The Bible Without Borders, my financial living giving plan, and my blog.

Only One Life to Give is a hub of resources for teachers, students, or anyone who desires to grow in their relationship to Christ. I hope it is a place you will visit often, to be fed and refreshed. You have my blessing to use anything you find here as you see fit.

Thank you for dropping by. To insure you don’t miss future posts or new resources, please subscribe to my blog on the home page.



Lee Ann

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3 thoughts on “About

    • I’m glad you did too! Please let me know when you get your blog up and running. I will gladly subscribe and invite you to do the same for my blog!

      Lee Ann