Q: Is it possible that God is orchestrating an encounter between you and a person in your circle of influence who is quietly praying to know God through His Son, Jesus? Are you willing to be a “Peter” who no longer made distinctions between Jews and Gentiles and share the good news of Jesus with a “Cornelius” that God already has lined up for you? Are you willing to set aside all prejudices and openly embrace whoever God calls you to reach?
So here are my suggestions to make sure we don’t miss hearing God’s voice:
- Own that God is always at work to reach His lost creation and that He wants to use YOU.
- Pray “regularly” (I suggest DAILY) that God will clearly point you to the “Cornelius” He has lined up for you.
Trust God’s timing. Just as Peter was praying “regularly” and communing with God, there was a Cornelius also praying for God to show him the way to salvation. God will orchestrate the encounter in His perfect way and in His perfect time.