Q: Have you noticed that as each of the apostles go to share the good news that there is no fear being experienced? Stephen wasn’t afraid of the Sanhedrin. He even prayed for them as he was being stoned. Peter was sound asleep the night before his probable execution, and he slept like a baby. Paul and Barnabas continue to share the gospel and deal with the resistances, but they remain bold in their message. If they were fearless in sharing the gospel, shouldn’t we?

Q: To be clear, why should you and I have confidence to be bold with the gospel message? [God has promised to be with us. He will not let “the gates of Hell” prevail. Jesus tells us to “fear not.” If God is for us, who can be against us?!]

Challenge: Go boldly in the power of the Holy Spirit and let God remove the obstacles as you share the good news.


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