We can be used of God to fulfill His purposes by listening, praying, and watching how the Holy Spirit IS leading us RIGHT NOW, NOT LATER. I want you to leave class today understanding that the Spirit is actively leading you, but our part is to pray, listen to His voice, and pay attention to when He’s opening or closing doors. We need to TRUST that if we didn’t listen to Him well, He knows how to redirect us because His purpose for our lives cannot be thwarted!! It took the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, and God to redirect Paul (Acts 16:6-10). It’s time to live more adventurously instead of in automatic pilot. Risk with Him. Talk to Him. Ask for a sign like Gideon did. Accept when the door is closed – for now. The timing may not be right, or maybe He has something even better in mind.

Q: Are you all in? Are you willing to be fully yielded and ready to respond with immediacy to follow the Spirit’s leadership? Let’s pray about that as we close.