ACTS 21:1-26


As I was processing this chapter for today’s lesson, I found myself impressed with Paul’s unwillingness to be dissuaded from doing God’s will, yet not being insensitive to those who loved him and cared for him. His spiritual maturity was evident. He was willing to lay down his life for the name of Christ just as Jesus was willing to lay down his life for us. But some of us might have an internal dialogue going on that sounds something like this: “This is Paul you’re talking about, and I’m no Paul! He’s a different category of Christian than me! I can’t honestly say that I would lay down my life for the name of Christ.”

May I respond to your internal script? Remember the slogan, “If God leads you to it, He’ll see you through it?” Has it occurred to you that God had been preparing Paul’s heart over the years to stay the course and go to Jerusalem? What if you’re trying to applaud Paul’s decision to stay the course, rather than applauding the Holy Spirit who was empowering him to face the challenge? Why is it that we lapse into thinking we have to do God’s will in our own strength?

It would be a fantastic outcome for this lesson if all of us walked out this door with a resolute commitment to follow Jesus full throttle and fearlessly just like Paul, but with the clear understanding that it is the Holy Spirit in us who gives us the strength to go full throttle and go without fear.

I Thess 5:24 says, “The one who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.” Whatever God has willed for each of us, He will lead us to it, and He will see us through it. Count on it. Let’s pray.


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