ACTS 21:27 – ACTS 22


Q: Will you consider the possibility that God is choosing to give you a platform to share the good news, even when your circumstances are challenging? Sometimes He brings people into our life who aren’t friendly, who have an axe to grind, who want to make things difficult for you. These are the very people who need to experience the love of God, and now is our opportunity.

Q: Are the elements of your testimony intact? If the Lord gave you a platform today, could you

  • Tell someone about your personal encounter with the Lord?
  • Describe the circumstances that led up to your decision to Christ?
  • Share how your heart has changed because of Christ?

If you’re not sure what you’d say, consider thinking of your favorite attributes of God. When you hear “God,” do you think “Father?” “Provider?” “Faithful?” “Compassionate?” “Merciful?” Talk people through why a certain attribute has been so important to you.


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