Acts 3


If we’re going to be effective ministers in God’s Kingdom, then we need to follow the lead of Peter and John. They appropriated the power and authority given to them through the Holy Spirit to express compassion to a lame man. They were able to look beyond the physical need of the lame man and invited him to have faith in the name of Jesus to be healed.

They also didn’t hesitate to leverage the opportunity to see a Jewish crowd filled with wonder  and amazement and share the good news with them. Peter and John made sure that the Jewish people heard a message of hope. It was not too late to repent and turn to Jesus who was spoken of by all of the prophets.

Do you really live with a strong awareness that you have the power and authority to make the Kingdom of God a better place to live? Do you see that what we have to offer, i.e. the Good News and the power to invite healing in the name of Jesus, is something an unbeliever can’t offer? If we see someone hungry, both a believer and a non-believer can hand out food, but what separates us from the unbeliever is our ability by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to offer someone a message that offers them eternal life in Jesus. You and I are the ones who are in position to do that. So we need to step it up!

Challenge: “As we are going,” let’s pray that this week God prompts us to show compassion to someone in need and introduce them to the spiritual or emotional or physical healing that is available in the name of Jesus. I have no idea how that will look, but I believe if our hearts are truly yielded to the Spirit’s prompting, the Lord will put us in the right place at the right time to bring about the result He desires through us. Just be committed to be available to be used at all times. Please keep praying for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit.


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