Acts 5


Q: Do you see yourself in this story? It’s hard to read accounts like this with all of the miracles going on, the boldness in a courtroom, and wonder how this looks for each of us in this culture.

So here is something to reflect on. We don’t get thrown in prison for sharing the gospel in this country. But what concerns me is that we not only have freedom to share the gospel, but we are more silent than vocal with the gospel message. God said, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” That means He’s with us right now – just like he was with the apostles when they were obeying God’s Great Commission.

I challenged you last week to pray not only for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit, but the filling of the H.S. in order to enable us to speak boldly in the name of Jesus. Did anyone do that? [Invite testimonies] This week: Ask the Lord to remind us daily that we can’t fail in the Great Commission because we’re empowered by the H.S. who will tell us what we need to say!


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