ACTS 8:1-25


I asked you at the beginning of this lesson to read today’s passage with a spiritual lens to answer two questions:

  1. What does strong faith look like?
  2. What are the characteristics of disciples whose faith are strong?

I think we can all agree that at the core, disciples with strong faith are filled with the Holy Spirit. It was only through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit that disciples were enabled to:

  • Speak boldly in the name of Jesus, even in the midst of great persecution.
  • Seize the opportunity to scatter the gospel in new territories
  • Sift or discern who was truly a believer and who was not.
  • Share the gospel and God’s word effectively.
  • Spot where and with whom Satan was at work.

My challenge for each of us is to go before the Lord and asking Him to strengthen our faith. Let’s ask Him to expose the areas in our own walk that need to be shored up. If we’re not in our bibles daily, then let’s ask Him to help us get excited about reading His Word. If you know you have an opportunity to share the gospel with someone, ask for a holy boldness to do so and ask the Spirit to give you the words.


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