ACTS 8:26-9:19


Just as God used certain people in your life to bring you to the Lord, you may be the next Philip or Ananias. God has entrusted the gospel message with you and me, and He wants to tap each of us to reach others in our circle of influence. In order to be faithful to the call, we need to be in regular communion with God through prayer, through bible study, and through the fellowship of other believers. Many of us know the gospel message, but if we were asked how often we shared it with others, many of us might be too embarrassed to answer. The good news is that it is never too late to get started!

Challenge: Ask the Lord to specifically lay a name on your heart with whom you’re to share the gospel. When He does, ask Him for a fresh infilling of His Holy Spirit to lead you in your time with this person and the courage to be obedient. Trust the Spirit to give you the words.


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