3.9.25 1 Kings 21

Download Lesson: 3.9.25 Class Notes – 1 Kings 21


There are some things that ought not to be for sale. Naboth recognized that. Someone has said that every person ought to have at least one thing that he would not sell for any price. This is true of a man’s soul, his character, his reputation, his family, his church.

3.2.25 1 Kings 20

Download Lesson: 3.2.25 Class Notes – 1 Kings 20


We can be too busy for the main business. Verse 40 is an indictment on many a person who needs to put first things first. “And as thy servant was busy here and there, he was gone.” When Ahab let Ben-Hadad go, he sinned against God’s commandment. Ahab had been too concerned about getting back his lost territories. He wanted a place of special advantage to trade in the city of Damascus. We need a renewal of a sense of priorities. The will of God demands first place. See Matthew 6:33.

2.23.25 1 Kings 19

Download Lesson: 2.23.25 Class Notes – 1 Kings 19


Elijah’s discouragement after the victory on Mount Carmel is so much like our moods sometimes are. No one is immune from despair. God is always ready to strengthen us, encourage us, and give us a fresh vision of himself. It may not be spectacular. Listen for the still small voice. Be ready to accept new challenges. Help prepare others to carry on.

2.16.25 1 Kings 18

Download Lesson: 2.16.25 Class Notes – 1 Kings 18


Beware of competing gods/idols in our lives. When Jesus calls us to follow Him, we either obey Him and discover the joy of being His follower, or we unwittingly follow our idols of comfort and pleasure. When we don’t want to be inconvenienced, or we think it cuts into our time, or the call looks hard, etc, we have potentially made our comfort and pleasure an idol that we are capable of worshipping on a regular basis.