4.9.17 I Peter 3:1-7

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It might be good if couples occasionally took inventory of their marriages. Here are some suggested questions to process, based on what Peter wrote:

  1. Are we partners or competitors?
  2. Are we helping each other become more spiritual?
  3. Are we depending on the externals or the eternals? The artificial or the real?
  4. Do we understand each other better?
  5. Are we sensitive to each other’s feelings and ideas, or taking each other for granted?
  6. Are we seeing God answer our prayers?
  7. Are we enriched because of our marriage, or robbing each other of God’s blessing?

3.26.17 I Peter 2:18-25

Download Lesson: 3.26.17 Class Notes – I Pet 2.18-25


Here is the wonderful truth Peter wanted to share: as we live godly lives and submit in times of suffering, we are following Christ’s example and becoming more like Him. We submit and obey, not only for the sake of lost souls and for the Lord’s sake, but also for our own sake, that we might grow spiritually and become more like Christ.

The unsaved world is watching us, but the Shepherd in heaven is also watching over us; so we have nothing to fear. We can submit to Him and know that He will work everything together for our good and His glory.

3.19.17 I Peter 2:17b

Download Lesson: 3.19.17 Class Notes – I Peter 2.17b


Here is the wonderful truth Peter wanted to share: as we live godly lives and submit in times of suffering, we are following Christ’s example and becoming more like Him. We submit and obey, not only for the sake of lost souls and for the Lord’s sake, but also for our own sake, that we might grow spiritually and become more like Christ.

3.12.17 I Peter 2:16-17a

Download Lesson: 3.12.17 Class Notes – I Peter 2.16-17a


If we are sincerely submitted to authority “for the Lord’s sake,” then we will show honor to all who deserve it. We may not agree with their politics or their practices, but we must respect their position (see Rom. 13). We will also “love the brotherhood,” meaning, of course, the people of God in the church. One way we show love to the brethren is by submitting to the authority of the “powers that be,” for we are bound together with one another in our Christian witness.