1.15.17 I Peter 1:10-13

Download Lesson: 1.15.17 Class Notes – I Peter 1.10-13


Salvation is a gift from the Lord, and it comes with responsibilities. It would be easy to walk away from this lesson after reviewing three responsibilities and thinking, “There is no way I can do all of this! I’m sure I’ll miss the mark on many of these.” I want to encourage you not to feel defeated in this. We’re not obeying in our own strength. The Spirit is always leading and guiding us to right thinking and proper behavior. Let’s agree that we will submit our hearts and minds daily to Christ and ask the Spirit to prick our hearts if we are thinking ungodly thoughts or getting ready to misstep. That will be our invitation to obey. If you’re not hearing from the Spirit, then rest with the idea that you’re already in a state of obedience.

If we fulfill our responsibilities with the Spirit’s help, then people will see the change that salvation should bring to God’s children. May people see change in us to God’s glory!

1.8.17 I Peter 1:1-9

Download Lesson: 1.8.17 Class Notes – I Peter 1.1-9


Now that we’ve tagged REASONS why we should appreciate our salvation, I hope we spend time praising and thanking Him for it. It would be an insult to God’s grace if we took our salvation for granted. God made salvation available to us out of His “great mercy” to us. Everything begins with salvation, which allows us to have a personal relationship to God through Jesus Christ. If we know Christ as Savior, then we have living hope! If we have “living hope,” we can overcome and God will transform suffering into glory. Salvation is our foundation. Without it, we would have no hope.