6.12.22 1 Samuel 10

Download Lesson: 6.12.22 Class Notes – 1 Sam 10


Saul started out with so much promise. He was chosen and anointed by God. He was filled with the Holy Spirit. He had the support of a man of God like Samuel. He had been given gifts appropriate to royalty. But despite all these great advantages, Saul can still blow it. Will he walk in the advantages God had given him so far, or will he go his own way? What about us? Are we stewarding His gifts and His anointing?

5.22.22 1 Samuel 8

Download Lesson: 5.22.22 Class Notes – 1 Sam 8


The request for a human king was not in itself improper, for God had promised such a leader. But the refusal to wait for God’s timing was clearly displeasing to the Lord and to His prophet, Samuel. We can never go wrong seeking God’s leadership through prayer. We need to hear His voice first and foremost, and then obey.

4.10.22 1 Samuel 7

Download Lesson: 4.10.22 Class Notes – 1 Sam 7


God wants confession of sin to accompany cries for help. He defines repentance as turning away from all substitutes for Him and turning in obedience to Him. Upon our confession of sin, what spiritual resolutions do you want to make at this point of your life? What obstacles stand in the way?