3.20.22 1 Samuel 4

Download Lesson: 3.20.22 Class Notes – 1 Sam 4


The elders rightly sensed they needed God’s help to win the battle. But they were wrong in the way they sought help. Instead of humbly repenting and seeking God, they decided to bring the Ark of the Covenant to the battle, without God’s divine leading, in hopes of guaranteeing their victory. But God never told them to do that. They only cared if it worked. We can be like the Israelites. We can create a false sense of assurance that God will bring us success when we have never invited Him to lead us. Let’s seek to do His will by faith in Christ Jesus and trust the outcome to Him.

3.13.22 1 Samuel 3

Download Lesson: 3.13.22 Class Notes – 1 Sam 3


We can take comfort in the fact that God knows us by name. He speaks to each of us in a variety of ways and continues to speak to us. Would you recognize His voice? If you’re not sure, ask the Lord to make His voice clear to you so that it is unmistakable.

3.6.22 1 Samuel 2

Download lesson: 3.6.22 Class Notes – 1 Sam 2


While Eli rebuked his sons, they paid no attention. And Eli did no more than rebuke them. He did not even strip them of their priesthood, the least he might have done. As a result, God sent a prophet to announce His judgment. We must remember that when there is a “disregard for the Lord,” especially from people who are church leaders, there are consequences!