1.31.16 Daniel 11:20 – 45, 12

Download Lesson: 1.31.16 Class Notes – Dan 11.20-45, 12


One of the ways we serve Christ is by sharing His good news with others. Whether the Tribulation occurs in our lifetime or not, we want to take as many people with us to heaven! That means talking to our colleagues, our family members, friends, or whoever. If you’re into sports, then look at it like a competition with the Enemy. If we play offense and start sharing the gospel more freely, we hope to wear down our opponent. But we need to run the ball more. For Christ’s sake, let’s do that!

1.24.16 Daniel 11:1-20

Download Lesson: 1.24.16 Class Notes – Dan 11.2-20

Download Handout: 1.24.16 Rulers Prophesied in Dan 11 HO


When God created the universe, He knew exactly what human history was going to look like because He’s sovereignly allowed it. He knows who the rulers/leaders are at any given moment and time. He knows who honors Him and who doesn’t. Those who don’t honor God fall. He’s already told us that we are victorious in Jesus, and now our job is to continue to be a faithful follower trusting His leadership.

1.17.16 Daniel 10-11:1

Download Lesson: 1.17.16 Class Notes – Dan 10-11.1


Spiritual warfare is alive and well, and it’s one of the reasons Paul goes to great length to tell us how to protect ourselves with the “full spiritual armor of God!” We have angels on earth and in the heavenly realms who are for us and who take on battles on our behalf. We are created for a purpose, so remember that Satan has no ability to thwart God’s future for each of us. Keep the faith and continue to trust Him fully for what He has in store ahead.


1.10.16 Daniel 9:20-27

Download Lesson: 1.10.16 Class Notes – Dan 9.20-27

Download New American Commentary (4 views on the 70 “sevens”): 1.10.16 New American Commentary on Four Views of Daniel’s Seventy Sevens Prophecy



God revealed the future of His chosen people in a vision to Daniel that is affirmed by Jesus in Matt 24:15. There will be an Antichrist who will appear during the Tribulation that will last seven years. All believers will be raptured by Christ so that we are protected from living during those seven years.

Do you have a saving relationship with Jesus? That’s what will matter if the Rapture occurs in our lifetime. In the meantime, we are called to share the good news of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible.

1.3.16 Daniel 9:1-19

Download Lesson: 1.3.16 Class Notes – Daniel 9.1-19


We learned the ELEMENTS of prayer: Confession (individual and corporate), Praise, Quoting Scripture, Petition, Humility, and Glorifying God. But we also learned that when we submit to the Lord with humility and confess our sins, fast, and come with genuine repentance, He is more than willing to answer. Here are some reflection questions to ponder as you leave today:

Q: When would you “go all out” with a prayer like Daniel’s, preceded by fasting and repentance?

Q: Do we follow Daniel’s lead if we only yelled at your kids? Wouldn’t that be over the top?

Q: Do you go to prayer with a high level of expectancy that He will answer you?

Ask the Lord to show you what your next step is to grow in your prayer life. He will answer!!