11.15.15 Daniel 3

Download Lesson: 11.15.15 Class Notes – Dan 3


Q: Do you have a fireproof faith? Do you believe that your faith can get you through fire? If you share the BELIEFS of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, I think you can say “Yes!”

  • A fireproof faith obeys God and accepts the consequences.
  • A fireproof faith trusts God despite the circumstances.
  • A fireproof faith trusts God no matter the outcome.
  • A fireproof faith waits on God for the rescue.

Here is a pertinent lesson for believers today. Does God have all power? Yes. Is God able to deliver believers from all problems and trials? Yes. But does God deliver believers from all trials? No. God may allow trials to come into our lives to build character or for a number of other reasons (Rom 5:3-5). The purpose for trials may not always be understood, but God simply asks that we trust him—even when it is not easy. As Job, who endured incredible suffering, exclaimed, “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him” (Job 13:15). Although God does not guarantee that his followers will never suffer or experience death, he does promise always to be with them.

11.8.15 Daniel 2:24-49

Download Lesson: 11.8.15 Class Notes – Dan 2.24-49


We are all “Daniels” who have a window of opportunity to share the revealed mystery of Christ and His gospel message. (X-Ref Col 4:2-6) Where God has placed us is intentional. We are right where He wants us to make an eternal difference in the lives around us. Again, we may “feel” small in this world, but God created us to be larger than life in the spirit world because of the power He’s given us to change our world. Let’s be reminded of the TOOLS He’s given us, which Daniel had available to him:

  • His Holy Spirit
  • His Holy Word through the Bible
  • Prayer

[Go to DEB and encircle the funnel] His Kingdom is eternal. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are eternal. His Word is eternal. And our spirit is eternal. We live in God’s eternal kingdom now. Austin, TX, happens to be where we exist as “pilgrims in a foreign land.” Let’s make the most of every opportunity to reveal the gospel to as many as possible. That’s how we become larger than life in His kingdom. We need to obey the Great Commission.


11.1.15 Daniel 2:1-23

Download Lesson: 11.1.15 Class Notes – Daniel 2.1-23


Q: What is your “next step” to emulate Daniel and exercise great faith in God? How would your great faith in the Lord translate in your prayer life? Are you in the middle of a difficult circumstance that appears hopeless?

Here’s a possible trigger you can use that will prompt you to exercise great faith with boldness: whatever situation you’re in that seems impossible, let that be your INVITATION to pray with a holy boldness, believing that God wants to show up in a mighty way. And as you go through a difficult circumstance, have confidence that God is with you. Remember, He is pleased when we exercise great faith in Him.

10.25.15 Daniel 1

Download Lesson: 10.25.15 Class Notes – Daniel 1


No matter how difficult our trials are, we can take two truths from today’s lesson to see us through them:

  1. Resolve to place your trust in God who is faithful to the end.
  2. Remember that God GOES IN ADVANCE OF US to help us find favor with others and provide whatever we need to accomplish His purposes within our trials.