9.7.14 Exodus 19


I suggested at the beginning of class that this study will beg a couple of questions:
 “How obedient are we being?”
 “Are we fully surrendered to the Holy Spirit to hear God’s voice and do what He tells us to do?”

Are you getting the picture that it is daily decision to fully surrender ourselves to the Lord? We have to deliberately choose obedience. I would ask you to consider that you make the words of the Israelites at Mount Sinai your own words: “All that the Lord has spoken I will do.” Let us in faith yield ourselves fully to a life of obedience.

Q: Let me check in with you. What are you thinking or feeling? [Observe how the Spirit is moving and encourage class members as they share.]

DOWNLOAD LESSON: 9.7.14 Class Notes – Ex 19

8.24.14 Exodus 17, 18


I realize that not everyone considers themselves as a “leader,” but in God’s Kingdom, you are leader because you have the power to influence others through the power of the Holy Spirit. You can be married, single, widowed, and you still have people in your lives who are taking their cues from you, which makes you a “leader” whether you own that or not!

Q: As we conclude today’s lesson, what leadership traits did you observe in Moses that you would like to cultivate more?

Download Full Lesson: 8.24.14 Class Notes – Ex 17-18

8.17.14 Exodus 16

After today’s lesson, we should all be convinced that the Lord gives us daily provisions to sustain us and take care of our basic needs. However, I don’t want us to miss an important spiritual truth about Jesus. Let’s look at John 6:25-35 first. As quick background, Jesus just performed the feeding of the 5,000 with five loaves and two fish, and now they are trying to keep up with Him:

1. Read John 6:25-35

2. Read John 6:41-51

Q: Look at John 6:29. What is the one and only requirement Jesus has of us? [Believe in Him!] He said “I AM THE BREAD that came down from heaven.” (v.41)

Q: What does it mean to you when Jesus says, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry?” [Let class wrestle this. Matt 4:4 “Man does not live by bread along, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.]

Dry Erase Board [Two Column Headings: “Seek Him First” and “When…”]
Invite the class to give knee-jerk reactions to “Seek Him First when….. and record on the DEB. Bottom Line: Always seek Him FIRST.]

X-Ref (Matt 6:31-33) Focal verse “Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” The Lord gave us this sequence for a reason! He says in v.32 that “your heavenly Father knows that you need them.” If you will come to Him FIRST, you will never go “hungry” physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or financially. [Look at this from the other direction: Are you “hungry?” Self-evaluate: Have you sought the Lord FIRST?]

Q: Did the Spirit of God illumine the areas of your life in which you are just like the Israelites?

Q: More importantly, has the Spirit shown you how you can live day by day with your trust firmly placed in the Lord to provide for your needs? Let’s thank Him for showing up today through our closing prayer.

Download Full Lesson: 8.17.14 Class Notes – Ex 16

8.10.14 Exodus 15

The most expensive purchase God ever made was when He bought YOU. He redeemed YOU. Do you realize that He has a vested interest in you?! Look at examples of His attributes and ways He’s delivered us (See DEB). Can you see how:

1. He treasures you

2. He enjoys you

3. He protects you

4. He insures you

5. He maintains you

6. He remodels you

Call to Action: Identify a recent difficult circumstance you were in that has resolved. Compose a “song” by reflecting on the variety of ways God worked in the situation to deliver you, His most expensive purchase. God is worthy of our praise, and He will relish whatever time you and I are willing to spend to show Him the love!

Download lesson: 8.10.14 Class Notes – Ex 15