EXODUS 1, 2:1-10


We serve a sovereign God who has chosen to reveal His love story to us. And for every person He has created, we are a part of this story. Today we see the fulfillment of God’s word to Abram 400 years prior to the Israelites enslavement in Egypt. We see midwives who embrace their place in God’s story. We see God’s chosen leader, Moses, born and entrusted into Pharoah’s palace. God divinely acted in each of these situations. He’s doing the same for us. If your chapter is hard, He’s divinely seeing you through it. If it is a happy chapter, don’t forget that God is divinely seeing you through it.

Reflection Qs: Are you willing to embrace your place as we go through different chapters in our lives? Will you trust His benevolence through each chapter? (Rom 8:28) Look again to God’s Word to you: “For I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” (Jer 29:11)