8.14.22 Galatians 6

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Christians have a measure of responsibility to all people to do good, when the occasions arise. When Jesus fed the 5,000, both saved and unsaved participated. So the benevolence of Christians should not be restricted, except that believers are to have the priority. As in a home, family needs are met first, then those of the neighbors.

8.7.22 Galatians 5

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Fruit grows in a climate blessed with an abundance of the Spirit and the Word. “Walk in the Spirit” (Gal. 5:25) means “keep in step with the Spirit”—not to run ahead and not to lag behind. This involves the Word, prayer, worship, praise, and fellowship with God’s people. It also means “pulling out the weeds” so that the seed of the Word can take root and bear fruit. We must remember that this fruit is produced to be eaten, not to be admired and put on display. People around us are starving for love, joy, peace, and all the other graces of the Spirit. When they find them in our lives, they know that we have something they lack. We do not bear fruit for our own consumption; we bear fruit that others might be fed and helped, and that Christ might be glorified. The flesh may manufacture “results” that bring praise to us, but the flesh cannot bear fruit that brings glory to God. It takes patience, an atmosphere of the Spirit, walking in the light, the seed of the Word of God, and a sincere desire to honor Christ.

7.24.22 Galatians 4

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If you follow Paul’s footsteps as a disciple maker, you will have the same experience. You too will have many spiritual children whom you feed, care for, teach, and shepherd. When they do well, you will rejoice. But when they stumble, your heart will be wrenched. Your close relationship with them will push you to pray for them and plead with them to stay on the right path.

7.10.22 Galatians 2

Download Lesson: 7.10.22 Class Notes – Gal 2


If a man could get right with God simply by observing the Jewish law, then Jesus died in vain. This is a pivotal statement in the letter. Life through faith in Jesus is liberation. The law stood for judgment and condemnation. Faith stands for forgiveness and freedom. The Galatian Christians, then, are free from the oppressiveness and irrelevance of Levitical law. Paul’s authority in declaring this freedom for Gentile believers has been authenticated.