12.3.17 Isaiah 2:1-5

Download Lesson: 12.3.17 Class Notes – Isa 2.1-5


We are invited to walk in the light of the Lord. Today’s lesson reminds us of how we should live in the present (e.g., 1 Thes. 4:13–18; 5:1–8; 2 Peter 3:10–14; 1 John 3:2–3). In view of the fact that in the Millennium all nations will stream to Jerusalem to learn God’s Word, it would be sensible for us, already knowing that Law, to follow it (walking in its “light”) until the Lord sets up His glorious kingdom.

11.26.17 Isaiah 1:18-31

Download Lesson: 11.26.17 Class Notes – Isa 1.18-31


Revival is much deeper than confessing our sins and apologizing for them. It is deeper than just feeling bad for committing sin. Revival starts with an open heart. We have to be willing to “come and reason together” with our Lord to hear what He has to say. Then we have to make the choice to repent from our sins with changed behavior and align ourselves with His will to look after the disenfranchised, the oppressed, the fatherless, the widow, and anyone who needs a helping hand.

11.19.17 Isaiah 1:10-17

Download Lesson: 11.19.17 Class Notes – Isa 1.10-17


I am reminded of Sheila Walsh’s quote in her book Honest to God: Our life is one, long worship service to the Lord. So when we come together to worship God and give our offerings, it is pleasing to Him – IF our lives are being lived in a way that is “right” before God. He’s observing if we are seeking justice, encouraging the oppressed, defending the cause of the fatherless, or pleading a case for a widow. And the good news is that if we’re missing the mark, the Lord opens the door for us to repent and to become obedient. If we are obedient, we will enjoy His blessings.

11.12.17 Isaiah 1:1-9

Download Lesson: 11.12.17 Class Notes – Isa 1.1-9


Our response to God grows out of our relationship to Him. The charge is that God’s covenant people have not been responsive to God. Even the animals know their master, but His people have not recognized their dependence on God. Devastation is the result of sin.