5.26.19 Luke 8:26-39

Download Lesson: 5.26.19 Class Notes – Luke 8.26-39


Q: How are we to live in light of this text? Jesus proved his power over demons, which allowed a tortured man to become a follower of Christ. There is no one who is out of Jesus’s reach. He has the power to change lives for eternity. Ask the Lord to help you recognize how His power operates in your life.

5.19.19 Luke 8:22-25

Download Lesson: 5.19.19 Class Notes – Luke 8.22-25


Faith must be tested before it can be trusted. It has well been said that faith is not believing in spite of circumstances; it is obeying in spite of feelings and consequences. The disciples looked around and saw danger and looked within and saw fear; but they failed to look up by faith and see God. Faith and fear cannot dwell together in the same heart.

5.12.19 Luke 8:19-21

Download Lesson: 5.12.19 Class Notes – Luke 8.19-21


The gospel must be responded to in faith, but saving faith is more than mere intellectual assent. True faith endures. It perseveres. It puts into practice the teachings of that faith. Luke believed that we are indeed saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone. This faith is accompanied by action (Jas 2:17), expresses itself through love (cf. Gal 5:6), and puts God’s word into practice (Luke 8:21).

5.5.19 Luke 8:16-18

Download Lesson: 5.5.19 Class Notes – Luke 8.16-18


It is a serious thing to hear and understand the Word of God, because this puts on us the obligation to share that Word with others. Everyone who receives the seed then becomes a sower, a light-bearer, and a transmitter of God’s truth (see 1 Thess 1:5–8). If we keep it to ourselves, we will lose it; but if we share it, we will receive more.

4.14.19 and 4.28.19 Luke 8:11-15

Download Lesson: 4.14.19, 4.28.19 Class Notes – Luke 8.11-15


Many confuse popularity with fruitfulness. When large crowds flock to a church, the preach­er and the congregation think, “Look how God is blessing!” But, is He truly blessing? Jesus knew that large crowds did not equal God’s blessing unless those in the crowd were truly responding to God’s Word with saving faith. Jesus knew the selfish and fickle hearts of sinful men. He also knew the intensity of the spiritual conflict when the gospel is preached, that Satan waits to snatch the seed before it can take root in hearts. So, He spoke this parable as a warning of the danger of a superficial response to the gospel.