12.2.18 Luke 6:22-23

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LOOK: How can we rejoice when men attack us? By remembering that it is a privilege to suffer for His sake (Phil. 3:10). When they treat us the way they treated Him, it is evidence that we are starting to live as He lived, and that is a compliment. All of the saints of the ages were treated this way, so we are in good company!

11.25.18 Luke 6:20-21

Download Lesson: 11.25.18 Class Notes – Luke 6.20-21


Jesus was not teaching that poverty, hunger, persecution, and tears were blessings in themselves. If that were true, He would never have done all He did to alleviate the sufferings of others. Rather, Jesus was describing the inner attitudes we must have if we are to experience the blessedness of the Christian life. We should certainly do what we can to help others in a material way (James 2:15–17; 1 John 3:16–18), but we must remember that no amount of “things” can substitute for a personal relationship with God.

9.9.18 Luke 4:9-30

Download Lesson: 9.9.18 Class Notes – Luke 4.9-30


I stated earlier that I believe we  can succeed in our ministry by knowing the answers to basic questions of who, what, when, where, and why. Jesus knew the answers to these basic questions for His ministry. After today’s study, let’s see if it’s clear to us:

Who: Who was Jesus’s target audience? The poor, the oppressed, the sick. Those who were marginalized.

What: What was His message? The Good News. Salvation is available for both Jew and Gentile.

When: When did His ministry begin, and when did He understand it to be completed? It began upon the anointing of the Holy Spirit and prayer with His father for 40 days in the wilderness. It would be completed after He was resurrected and ascended into Heaven.

Where: What settings would Jesus use to preach the Good News? Synagogues, Hillsides, Boats, wherever the marginalized existed.

How: How would He accomplish His ministry? Empowerment of the Holy Spirit, teach, prayer, obedience to His father’s direction.

Why: Jesus knew His “why” for doing this ministry. His mission was to “seek and to save the lost.”

11.11.18 Luke 6:1-11

Download Lesson: 11.11.18 Class Notes – Luke 6.1-11


Because Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath, he is over any rules and regulations. He offers us spiritual rest in Him. Because the gospel is grace-based, we are given the liberty to apply the Sabbath as the Spirit leads us, without being caught up in legalism. He also encourages us to do good, whether it’s on Sabbath or not. The Lord desires mercy, not sacrifice!