11.4.18 Luke 5:33-39

Download Lesson: 11.4.18 Class Notes – Luke 5.33-39


Share John MacArthur’s thoughts on this passage: “The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of God, as Paul calls it, the Gospel of grace, the message of forgiveness through the work of Jesus Christ, the Gospel which we know and love and believe is UNIQUE. When I say the Gospel is unique, I mean to say that it is incompatible with any and all other religious beliefs.  It stands alone. The idea that the Christian gospel can mix with or blend with any other religious system in any way is absolutely wrong. It mixes with no other religion. It accommodates no other religion.  In fact, it replaces all other religion. This needs to be emphatically understood in a time which exalts diversity of belief, tolerance of religion, pluralism, inclusivism, and even universalism, which essentially says we’re all headed the same direction. And that singularity of the Christian gospel means that any intrusion that mixes or alters the singularity of the gospel renders it void, nullifies it.  It stands alone….Luke 5:33-39 is very important and very focused on…the uniqueness of the Gospel. And what this passage does for us is demonstrate that the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of salvation is incompatible with Judaism…we’re going to find that Jesus didn’t come to add to Judaism.  He didn’t come to alter Judaism.  He didn’t come to blend with Judaism.  He came to bring the Gospel, which replaced it along with all other religions.”

10.28.18 Luke 5:27-32

Download Lesson: 10.28.18 Class Notes – Luke 5.27-32

LOOK: Following religious rules is easier than following Jesus. As we examine our own lives, are there ways that we are trying to “add” to Jesus’s way? As we examine our lives, are we being intentional to hang out with “sinners?” Are we willing to cultivate a connection so that we can bring them to Jesus? When we do, is the gospel message kept pure, i.e. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by Him? Christianity is about a love RELATIONSHIP with Jesus through repentance and the forgiveness of sins. That’s our foundation. Second, we need to FOLLOW Him! We need to be “all in!”

10.21.18 Luke 5:17-26

Download Lesson: 10.21.18 Class Notes – Luke 5.17-26


Many people will never come to Jesus unless somebody brings them. We need to go to where the spiritually crippled are with a heart of love and compassion for the lost. From a practical standpoint, do you know anyone who is bedridden? Anyone in a skilled nursing facility who rarely gets a visit? Anyone who is lonely? We can pray with them. We can bring devotional materials to them. Bring things to them that they enjoy. Let’s exercise our faith to bring people to Christ.

10.14.18 Luke 5:12-16

Download Lesson: 10.14.18 Class Notes – Luke 5.12-16


Q: Who are the “lepers,” the outcasts, in your circle of influence? [Let people engage]

  • Is there one person among your children that no one likes?
  • Who is the one parent that’s so obnoxious that on one wants to be around him/her?
  • Who is the one relative that everyone avoids when they walk into a room?
  • Who is the one person in your workplace that is ignored or talked badly about behind their back?

Q: What are the WAYS that Jesus embraced the leper? [Let people engage]

  • Jesus chose compassion toward the leper
  • Jesus was willing to touch the “untouchable”
  • Jesus unconditionally loved the leper and willingly showed mercy

Q: What do YOU need Jesus to touch today? [Let people engage]

  • Does He need to touch your heart that you might learn to love a leper this week?
  • Does He need to touch any spiritual leprosy? If yes, hear Jesus say, “I am willing. Be cleansed!” He yearns to touch us today where ever we need spiritual cleansing.

9.23.18 Luke 4:31-44

Download Lesson: 9.23.18 Class Notes – Luke 4.31-44


Luke’s point was that wherever Jesus went, He constantly taught that He was the Messiah who had come to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord. Are we proclaiming the Good News wherever we go? According to the Great Commission, the Lord has given His authority and transferred that authority to us to make disciples. Let’s draw near to Him in prayer daily, and then give Him our very best each day.