7.15.18 Luke 2:21-35

Download Lesson: 7.15.18 Class Notes – Luke 2.21-35


God appears to work through dedicated people like Simeon who was fully devoted to God. We always have the opportunity to humble ourselves before the Lord and seek Him. One of the most powerful ways we can make a difference in God’s kingdom is our devotion to prayer. When we’re fervent in prayer, He reveals Himself to those who are dedicated to Him.

7.1.18 Luke 2:1-20

Download Lesson: 7.1.18 Class Notes – Luke 2.1-20


These shepherds are good examples for us to imitate today. They received by faith the message God sent them and then responded with immediate obedience. After finding the Baby, they reported the good news to others, “glorifying and praising God.” They took the place of the angels!

6.24.18 Luke 1:57-80

Download Lesson: 6.24.18 Class Notes – Luke 1.57-80


Salvation has always been God’s plan, and we are all responsible for sharing it. May we be faithful to share the elements of salvation by including how Christ redeemed us, that salvation is through the forgiveness of sins, and rescues us from darkness, and enables us to serve him without fear.

6.17.18 Luke 1:39-56

Download Lesson: 6.17.18 Class Notes – Luke 1.39-56


Today’s lesson invites us to evaluate how we worship the Lord in our personal time with Him. How deep is it? How honest are we being with Him? Are we spending enough time praising Him, or petitioning Him? What are new ways we can worship Him that comes from the heart? Let’s listen to how the Spirit speaks to each of us, and then let’s implement whatever He shows us.

6.10.18 Luke 1:26-38

Download Lesson: 6.10.18 Class Notes – Luke 1.26-38


Invite learners to put their name in this passage wherever it says “Mary” starting with verse 30. It might read “Do not be afraid, Lee Ann, you have found favor with God. You will be or do (fill in the blank with whatever God’s purpose is). The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. For nothing is impossible with God.” Never lose sight that God wants to do extraordinary things through ordinary people like you and me. Look for His opportunities!