5.24.20 Luke 19:1-10

Download Lesson: 5.24.20 Class Notes – Luke 19.1-10


Who is the Zacchaeus in your life right now? Who seems to open and receptive to learn more about the Good News? For Zacchaeus, his day ended in joyful fellowship with the Son of God, for he was now a changed man with a new life. Jesus is still taking the initiative to seek lost people to save them. What is our part? Are we faithfully partnering with Him to introduce lost friends to Jesus?

5.17.20 Luke 18:35-43

Download Lesson: 5.17.20 Class Notes – Luke 18.35-43


What are the lessons found in this story?

  • Jesus never ignores the cry of those who truly call upon Him.
  • Jesus is profoundly compassionate.
  • The Lord has power over all human infirmities.
  • Jesus came to do far more than heal human afflictions, but rather to offer forgiveness and salvation.

4.19.20 Luke 18:1-8

Download Lesson: 4.19.20 Class Notes – Luke 18.1-8


The teaching of the parable is that we must continue in our prayers, even when there seems to be no answer, because God, unlike the unjust judge, is loving, good, and gracious. We persist in prayer not because we have not yet gotten God’s attention, but because we know He cares and will hear us. [Offer the compare/contrast of the persistent widow, her standing with the Lord]