4.12.20 Luke 17:20-37

Download Lesson: 4.12.20 Class Notes – Luke 17.20-37


The kingdom of God begins in the heart of all who believe in Jesus, and it grows and grows like the mustard seed and like leaven until it is fully realized in its millennial glory, which is the final phase of the expanding Kingdom of God on earth. In other words, the Kingdom of God begins as a spiritual Kingdom in the heart but is consummated in a visible Kingdom on earth in the Millennium. In the meantime, we should look for His return and long to see Him come, but at the same time, we should be busy doing His work when He comes.

3.2.20 and 3.9.20 Luke 17:1-10

Download Lesson: 3.9.20 Class Notes – Luke 17.1-10


How can we have such faith and offer such forgiveness? We must live in humility, knowing our place in the stream of life. God is master and we are slaves. We should not look upon a life of ongoing forgiveness as a great accomplishment. We should see it as the normal act of the life of faith. Forgiveness is what Jesus expects of us.

2.16.20 Luke 16:1-15

Download Lesson: 2.16.20 Class Notes – Luke 16.1-15


In His portrait of the prodigal and the elder brother, Jesus described two opposite philosophies of life. Prior to his repentance, the prodigal wasted his life, but his elder brother only spent his life as a faithful drudge. Both attitudes are wrong, for the Christian approach to life is that we should invest our lives for the good of others and the glory of God. This chapter emphasizes that truth: life is a stewardship, and we must use our God-given opportunities faithfully. One day we must give an account to the Lord of what we have done with all He has given to us, so we had better heed what Jesus says in this chapter about the right and wrong use of wealth.