2.9.20 Luke 15:11-32

Download Lesson: 2.9.20 Class Notes – Luke 15.11-32


Note the parallels between the prodigal’s coming to the father and our coming to the Father through Christ (John 14:6):

The Prodigal


Jesus Christ


He was lost (v.24)


“I am the way”


He was ignorant (v.17)


“I am the truth”


He was dead (v.24)


“I am the life”

There is only one way to come to the Father, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ. Have you come home?

2.2.20 Luke 15:1-10

Download Lesson: 2.2.20 Class Notes – Luke 15.1-10


It is easy for us today to read these two parables and take their message for granted, but the people who first heard them must have been shocked. Jesus was saying that God actually searches for lost sinners! These parables also reveal that there are two aspects to this salvation. There is God’s part: the shepherd seeks the lost sheep, and the woman searches for the lost coin. But there is also man’s part in salvation, for the wayward son willingly repented and returned home.

1.19.20 Luke 14:12-24

Download Lesson: 1.19.20 Class Notes – Luke 14.12-24


The message of this parable applies to all lost sinners today. God still says, “All things are now ready. Come!” Nothing more need be done for the salvation of your soul, for Jesus Christ finished the work of redemption when He died for you on the cross and arose from the dead. The feast has been spread, the invitation is free, and you are invited to come.

1.12.20 Luke 14:7-11

Download Lesson: 1.12.20 Class Notes – Luke 14.7-11


God is not impressed by our status in society or in the church. He is not influenced by what people say or think about us, because He sees the thoughts and motives of the heart (1 Sam. 16:7). Meekness and humility are basic to the proper attitude believers should display in their relationship toward God, and service to the needy is characteristic of the proper attitude one should have toward others.

1.5.20 Luke 14:1-6

Download Lesson: 1.5.20 Class Notes – Luke 14.1-6


Jesus exposed the false piety of the Pharisees and the scribes. They claimed to be defending God’s Sabbath laws, when in reality they were denying God by the way they abused people and accused the Savior. There is a big difference between protecting God’s truth and promoting man’s traditions. We need to know the difference!