6.2.24 Mark 13

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New Testament scholars agree that Mark 13 has generated more disagreement among interpreters. The history of interpretation of this chapter is immensely complex. So let’s follow Jesus’ commands to “watch out, be on guard and pray!” “Lord Jesus, as we live between your resurrection and your return, give us a steadfast faith to trust you, an enduring hope to wait for you, and an abiding love to live for you until the day of your return. It’s in Jesus’ name we pray.

2.18.24 Mark 12:18-44

Download Lesson: 2.18.24 Class Notes – Mark 12.18-44


If a person is “important” only because of the uniform he wears, the title he bears, or the office he holds, then his “importance” is artificial. It is character that makes a person valuable, and nobody can give you character: you must develop it yourself as you walk with God. Pride of living and pride of giving are sins we must avoid at all costs. How tragic that the leaders depended on a religious system that shortly would pass off the scene. How wonderful that the common people gladly listened to Jesus and obeyed His Word. In which group are you?

6.25.23 Mark 3:20-4:20

Download Lesson: 6.25.23 Class Notes – Mark 3.20-4.1-20


The parable of the sower helped the disciples understand why Jesus was not impressed by the large crowds that followed Him. He knew that most of them would never produce fruit from changed lives, because the Word He was teaching them was like seed falling into poor soil.

The seed represents God’s Word (Luke 8:11), and the sower is the servant of God who shares that Word with others (see 1 Cor. 3:5–9). The human heart is like soil: it must be prepared to receive the seed before that seed can take root and produce a harvest. Like seed, the Word is alive and able to produce spiritual fruit, but the seed must be planted and cultivated before that harvest will come.

2.11.24 Mark 12:1-17

Download Lesson: 2.11.24 Class Notes – Mark 12.1-17


The Jewish leadership recognized Jesus’ qualifications as a Teacher/Judge of Israel. They saw Him as one who had integrity, who was not swayed by people (11:32; 12:12), and who was truly teaching God’s way. By using Roman coinage, Jesus’ adversaries witnessed their dependence on that government. Christians should fulfill legitimate responsibilities to their government (Rom. 13:6–7). We bear God’s image (Gen. 1:27) and must fulfill our responsibilities to God.

2.4.24 Mark 11:15-33

Download Lesson: 2.4.24 Class Notes – Mark 11.15-33


Before we quickly condemn the Jewish religious leaders for their sins, we should examine our own ministries to see if perhaps we are making merchandise of the Gospel. Do the outsiders in our community think of our church buildings as houses of prayer? Are all nations welcomed there? Do we as church members flee to church on Sundays in an attempt to cover up our sins? Do we “go to church” in order to maintain our reputation or to worship and glorify God? If the Lord Jesus were to show up in our house of worship, what changes would He make?