12.10.23 Mark 8:22-9:1

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Is there any reward for the person who is a true disciple? Yes, there is: he becomes more like Jesus Christ and one day shares in His glory. Satan promises you glory, but in the end, you receive suffering. God promises you suffering, but in the end, that suffering is transformed into glory. If we acknowledge Christ and live for Him, He will one day acknowledge us and share His glory with us.

11.19.23 Mark 8:1-21

Download Lesson: 11.19.23 Class Notes – Mark 8.1-21


Those of us who have trusted in Jesus for salvation can still be guilty of failing to trust Him in our day-to-day lives. We may know that Jesus saves and forgives and yet we struggle with anxiety and fear as we doubt God’s care and sovereignty in our lives.

7.23.23 Mark 6:1-29

Download Lesson: 7.23.23 Class Notes – Mark 6.1-29


The harvest is undoubtedly great all over the world, both at home and abroad. The laborers are unquestionably few, and the supply of faithful men far less than the demand. The arguments for sending out men “one by one,” under existing circumstances, are undeniably strong and weighty. But still the conduct of our Lord in this place is a striking fact. The fact that there is hardly a single case in the Acts, where we find Paul or any other apostle working entirely alone, is another remarkable circumstance. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion, that if the rule of going forth “two and two” had been more strictly observed, the missionary field would have most likely yielded larger results than it has.

7.16.23 Mark 5:21-43

Download Lesson: 7.16.23 Class Notes – Mark 5.21-43


There is a good lesson here for all of us. Not everybody has the same degree of faith, but Jesus responds to faith no matter how feeble it might be. When we believe, He shares His power with us and something happens in our lives. There were many others in that crowd who were close to Jesus and even pressing against Him, but they experienced no miracles. Why? Because they did not have faith. It is one thing to throng Him and quite something else to trust Him.

7.9.23 Mark 5:1-20

Download Lesson: 7.9.23 Class Notes – Mark 5.1-20


We cannot hope to win the spiritual warfare against Satan and his demons by our own power. He is stronger than we are and smarter than we are. If we rely on ourselves, we will lose. We have to rely on the Lord who is stronger than He is. How can we do this? We must be alert to temptations and always turn to the Lord through prayer and the Word. Follow the principles in God’s Word and pray for His help.