7.2.23 Mark 4:21-41

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Our job is merely to sow the seed. We tell people the truth and give them an opportunity to hear and understand. But we cannot change them. Neither can we predict who will change or when they will change or if they will change. So we keep praying and we keep sowing.

6.18.23 Mark 3:1-19

Download Lesson: 6.18.23 Class Notes – Mark 3.1-19


Someone once said, “Our problem with following Jesus is we are trying to be a better version of us rather than a more accurate reflection of Him.” Following Jesus is not about being a better you, because you have to die to yourself, it’s about being more like Him. He must increase and you must decrease.

When Jesus calls you, He is calling you to leave things behind. To leave your old self and embrace your new self. When Jesus calls you, He is calling you into a life of transformation that begins to chisel the hard, selfish, prideful, lazy, and greedy you off of you to reveal His Spirit in you.

When Jesus calls you, He is calling you to a purpose that involves His kingdom and that has eternal ramifications. He is calling you into a spiritual war that you cannot fight in your own strength and win. You must fight in His power, His strength, and in His way. Victory is guaranteed if you do it His way.

6.11.23 Mark 2:13-28

Download Lesson: 6.11.23 Class Notes – Mark 2.13-28


We can be so wrapped up in the system that we lose sight of our purpose. We must remember that there is never any finality in the system or the methods. There is finality in our message, but the new wine will not long be contained in old wineskins. The wineskins of method are easily antiquated. We must remain willing to let the system go, but preserve the new wine at all costs.

6.4.23 Mark 2:1-12

Download Lesson: 6.4.23 Class Notes – Mark 2.1-12


It’s one thing to have authority over the natural world, but it’s an entirely different thing to have authority over the spiritual world – and especially the authority over people’s hearts. And yet the point of this passage is that Jesus is God and therefore has the authority and power to forgive sin, which is the heart of His mission because it’s our greatest need and it brings Him great glory.

5.28.23 Mark 1:29-45

Download Lesson: 5.28.23 Class Notes – Mark 1.29-45


We should learn some important spiritual lessons from this chapter. To begin with, if the Son of God came as a servant, then being a servant is the highest of all callings. We are never more like the Lord Jesus than when we are serving others. Second, God shares His authority with His servants. Only those who are under authority have the right to exercise authority. Finally, if you are going to be a servant, be sure you have compassion; because people will come to you for help and rarely ask if it is convenient!