12.19.21 Nehemiah 11-13

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The Book of Nehemiah illustrates how much a layperson committed to a life of prayer, God’s Word, and active obedience can do. Nehemiah serves as a reminder that Christians are needed in leadership positions not only within the church but also in civil government. Those attempting to mold society on the principles of Scripture will doubtless experience opposition like Nehemiah did. Prayer, Nehemiah’s most potent weapon, continues to serve Christians in their struggle to do God’s will in spite of opposition.

12.12.21 Nehemiah 10

Download Lesson: 12.12.21 Class Notes – Neh 10


Our relationship to the Lord is that of children to a Father, and our Father wants our obedience to be based on love. I don’t know of any examples in the New Testament of believers taking oaths of obedience to the Lord. Our obedience should be a joyful response to all that He has done for us in Christ (Col. 3:1ff). We don’t succeed as Christians because we make promises to God, but because we believe the promises of God and act upon them.

12.5.21 Nehemiah 9

Download Lesson: 12.5.21 Class Notes – Neh 9


Our God is a glorious God (Neh. 9:5). He is powerful (v. 6), faithful (v. 8), and concerned about the needs of His people (v. 9). He is a pardoning God (vv. 17–19, 31), who is long-suffering when we sin (vv. 21, 30) but who chastens if we rebel (vv. 26ff). He is a generous God (vv. 24–25, 35), who gives us far more than we deserve. He is a God who keeps His promises even if we are unfaithful.

11.28.21 Nehemiah 8

Download Lesson: 11.28.21 Class Notes – Neh 8


If we read and study the Word of God only from a sense of duty, then its treasures may never be revealed to us. It is the believer who rejoices in the Word, who delights to read and study it day by day, who will find God’s hidden treasures. “Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands” (Ps. 112:1, NIV). Do you delight in God’s Word?

11.21.21 Nehemiah 7

Download Lesson: 11.21.21 Class Notes – Neh 7


One of the key lessons we can learn from this long chapter is that people are important to God. When God wanted to take the next step in His great plan of redemption, He called a group of Jews to leave the place of exile and return to their own land. He gave them encouragement from the prophets and leadership from people who feared God and wanted to honor Him.