4.26.15 Rom 8:28-30 Predestination vs Free Will

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Theologians have spent a lifetime debating predestination vs free will when it comes to salvation. But today we are reminded that “His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are not our ways.”(Isa 55:8) There is a mysterious truth to both positions, and we need to be able to embrace that not all things we read in Scripture is comprehensible by our finite minds! The tension found between these two camps needs to be okay. We have limited understanding, and in His wisdom, He has revealed in the Bible all that He thinks we need to know for now. Again, the ultimate question for each of us is, “Have you placed your full faith in trust in Christ alone for your salvation?” That’s all that matters in the end!

4.19.15 Romans 8:18-30

Download Lesson: 4.19.15 Class Notes – Rom 8.18-30


Paul reminded us that our Triune God is actively at work to help us live victoriously in Christ:

  • In spite of pain and suffering, we have HOPE in God’s promises to us.
  • The Spirit of God lives in us.
  • When we don’t know how we ought to pray, the Spirit intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
  • The Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.
  • God works together for good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purposes.
  • God predestined us to be conformed to the likeness of His Son.

4.12.15 Romans 8:12-17

Download Lesson: 4.12.15 Class Notes – Rom 8.12-17


When we said “yes” to Jesus, we were sealed by the Holy Spirit, which means He lives in you. Let’s thank God that He allowed us to become His child and adopted us. You are the precious child of the King! This week, remember that you are precious to Him, regardless of what others think of you. You have a perfect Father in heaven we can call “Abba Father” who loves us unconditionally.

3.22.15 Romans 8:1-11

Download Lesson: 3.22.15 Class Notes – Rom 8.1-11


There is no need for the believer to be defeated. He can yield his body to the Spirit and by faith overcome the old nature. The Spirit of life will empower him. The Spirit of death will enable him to overcome the flesh. And the Spirit of adoption will enrich him and lead him into the will of God.

3.15.15 Romans 7

Download Lesson: 3.15.15 Class Notes – Rom 7


I may have been a bit facetious that the Law would make it to our “Top 10” list of things we most value in life. However, after having studied this chapter, how does the Law fit in the life of a believer? How does it fit for you?

Offer a word picture: The Law is a mirror that is held up by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit uses the Law to give us feedback in our walk with Christ. When we’re missing the mark, the Spirit uses the Law to convict us that we’re yielding to the flesh. Because we’re under grace, the Spirit gives us the feedback we need to move toward transformation, and it’s up to us to yield to the work of the Spirit to do just that.

In the end, we can find value in the Law if we embrace that the Spirit uses it to give us feedback for the purpose of transformation. Without the Law it’s hard to grow and mature spiritually.