3.8.15 Romans 6:15-23

Download Lesson: 3.8.15 Class Notes – Rom 6.15-23


Q: So if being a slave to righteousness is one of our roles, in practical terms, how does that look?

A: It begins with a commitment to be fully yielded/surrendered to Christ every day. We have been given a special life of faith, and we need to wake up each day saying “I have given myself to Jesus, to follow Jesus, and to serve Him.”

Perhaps it also includes a spirit of prayer in which we ask the Spirit “How can I help or participate in God’s kingdom today that glorifies God?” Then as we interact with our circles of influence, maybe we ask “How can I help” to see if we can minister to those around us.

3.1.15 Romans 6:1-14

Download Lesson: 3.1.15 Class Notes – Rom 6.1-14


Some of you may be thinking, “I thought today’s lesson was about hitting the “refresh” button on truths we already know.” Yet you may be overwhelmed all over again about what your walk with Christ should look like once you professed your faith in Christ and was sealed by the Holy Spirit. First, I always believe that the Holy Spirit is at work in each of us. He knows what we each need, so our takeaways for today’s lesson is not necessarily a “one size fits all.” I do believe that the way the Spirit speaks to us is by pointing our thoughts and mind to particular passages or ideas. So with that preamble, would someone like to share where the Spirit has taken your focus based on today’s lesson?

It is my prayer that you don’t walk out the door, get in your car, start checking texts and emails, etc. Let’s enter our cars in a spirit of prayer and ask the Lord to reveal to us any areas of your life that may not be completely surrendered to Him. Ask Him to lay on your heart what steps you can take to strengthen your relationship with Him. I promise you that He has a vested interest in answering your prayer!

2.22.15 Romans 5

Download Lesson: 2.22.15 Class Notes – Rom 5


Out of all the benefits you’ve heard today, were there any that were new to you? How about ones that you maybe had forgotten about?

Isn’t it amazing how condemnation was upon all men through one act of disobedience by Adam, and then in God’s infinite wisdom, He had a plan that required one act of obedience by Christ that allowed us to experience justification and live an abundant live in His abundant grace? Is it possible that we are taking for granted all the benefits He’s given us? I hope not! Let’s close our time in prayer with a thankful heart for all God has provided to us.

2.15.15 Romans 4

Download Lesson: 2.15.15 Class Notes – Rom 4


The gift of salvation by grace is available to all who believe upon Jesus Christ who died for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. The ones who will be most receptive to this gift are sinners who are “dead” and are unable to help themselves before He can release His saving power. As long as the lost sinner thinks he is strong enough to do anything to please God (there is no one righteous, no not one), he cannot be saved by grace! Only when a lost sinner confesses that he is spiritually dead and unable to help himself that God can save him.

Suggestion: Think about the people who are spiritually lost in your circle of influence, especially those who seem very independent and self-sufficient. Let’s ask the Lord to show us when we were like that before we were saved so that we have a genuine connecting point with them. We need to be able to tell our own story around this so people don’t feel we’re being judgmental of them. We don’t ever want to project that we’re above it all. We, too, needed to be saved by grace!

2.8.15 Romans 3

Download Lesson: 2.8.15 Class Notes – Rom 3


God showed His amazing love to us by creating a plan of salvation for everyone who believes upon His Son, Jesus. We learned three elements of salvation:

  1. Justification is by grace (source of our salvation – 3:21-24)
  2. Justification is by the blood (basis of our salvation – 3:25-26)
  3. Justification is by faith (condition of our salvation – 3:27-31)