1.12.25 1 Kings 13

Download Lesson: 1.12.25 Class Notes – 1 Kings 13


In 1 John 4:1 we are warned, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” The prophet from Judah should have known of the possibility of false prophets and should not have been so gullible. In our day there are those who would mislead us into going contrary to the will of God. We must obey God rather than men.

12.15.24 1 Kings 11

Download Lesson: 12.15.24 Class Notes – 1 Kings 11


Solomon forgot that his blessings came from God. He forgot the high spiritual privileges that had come to him as God appeared personally to him. His power and glory detracted from his vision of the glory of God. His foreign wives led him away from God. We need to evaluate who or what we let occupy our minds and hearts the most and ask if this is moving us away from Kingdom matters! Do we give too much time to social media? Sports figures? Influencers? Let’s ask the Lord to reveal any idols that we have unwittingly let into our lives.

12.8.24 1 Kings 10

Download Lesson: 12.8.24 Class Notes – 1 Kings 10


We may not be as wise as Solomon, but the call for us to pursue and depend on God is no less important. The Lord is the source of all truth, beauty, and goodness. We are meant for better than the wealth and fame of the world. We remember who we are as God’s child, who has everything we need. The Lord is our provision, meaning, and hope, not the things of the world.

12.1.24 1 Kings 9

Download Lesson: 12.1.24 Class Notes – 1 Kings 9


We can trust the Lord and be confident that He will do what He says He will do. Paul is so confident in God’s promises that he is convinced that nothing can separate us from His love. If we do not cling to Him with a whole heart, our spiritual life will be choked by the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things. God’s promises are certain, so let us be all the more eager to faithfully and confidently pursue Him with a heart of obedience.