10.20.24 1 Kings 2:13-46

Download Lesson: 10.20.24 Class Notes – 1 Kings 2.13-46


Jesus said, “All who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Matt. 26:52). The cruel lessons taught by the history of these passages bear out this truth. Joab had been loyal to David, but he had been power-hungry and ruthless. His own ugly death was reminiscent of the many killings he himself had carried out.

10.13.24 1 Kings 2:1-12

Download Lesson: 10.13.24 Class Notes – 1 Kings 2.1-12


Whether it is the Davidic king or we as a disciple of Jesus, true stability only comes through obedience to the Lord’s commands. What is true on the personal level holds also for the people of God as a corporate body. Kingdom stability is not anchored in our experiences or profession, nor in our education or pedigree, nor in our ministerial achievement, but only in obedience to the clear word we have long possessed.

10.6.24 1 Kings 1

Download Lesson: 10.6.24 Class Notes – 1 Kings 1


We learn from David and his son Adonijah that discipline is the means of protecting our children from the sin of selfish ambition. If Adonijah never learns self-control and is never told what something he is doing is wrong, then it is not hard to see why he is trying to exalt himself and seize the throne.