2.25.24 2 Sam 14

Download Lesson: 2.25.24 Class Notes – 2 Sam 14


2 Samuel 14 illuminates the complexities of family relationships, the dire consequences of unresolved guilt, and the power of forgiveness. Even in positions of leadership and power, David shows his human vulnerability and desire for familial love. However, his actions also demonstrate the cost of avoidance in dealing with personal guilt and responsibility. This chapter encourages us to seek reconciliation, admit our wrongdoings, and address our issues directly.

11.12.23 Mark 7

Download Lesson: 11.12.23 Class Notes – Mark 7


Jesus’ response to the Jewish leaders was twofold: the leaders invalidated God’s laws in order to keep their human traditions; and sin is a matter of the heart, not the diet. The Jews judged a man by his outward conformity to law. The spirit, attitude, and motive of an individual more clearly reveals his true nature. Man tends to look on outward appearances, but God ever looks on the heart.

10.22.23 2 Samuel 13

Download Lesson: 10.22.23 Class Notes – 2 Sam 13


One of the key lessons we learn from the life of David is that the consequences of sin are real. No one gets away with sin. Sin destroys lives, relationships, and families. We learn that immorality creates dysfunction in families. The good news is that when we return to the Lord with a humble, repentant heart, He forgives us! The grace of God always offers hope and healing.